Jake Landers

Hello! My name is Jake Landers and I am a Fullstack Software Developer based out of Portland, OR. If I am not developing at some of the finest tech companies in the Pacific Northwest, I am working on remote projects for clients worldwide or on my personal passion projects.

I have a wide variety of skills. From mobile apps using frameworks like Flutter and SwiftUI, web development using NextJS, database development using AWS DynamoDB, MongoDB, and MySQL, cloud infrastructure using Docker and a specialty in Kubernetes, to computational genomics and much more.

jake hockey



New Relic

May 2022 - August 2022

I worked at New Relic as a software engineering intern on the database team. As a member, I worked on the migration of database orchestration to Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS). I explored how New Relic could leverage the CrunchyData PostgreSQL operator and created an inventory templating system for kuberntes deployments using CUE and Go.

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January 2022 - Present

A family business I started with my father during the development of Crosscheck Sports. We build some of the best software in the pacific northwest pulling in expertise from our careers in the industry working for some of the top tech companies in the world.

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Research Instructor

June 2020 - Present

Every semester I recruit a group of students and teach a weekly class teaching the basics of computational research. From undergrads, grad students, and professors, we go over industry standard tools like VCFTools, BCFTools, Plink, SamTools, BamTools, Python, R, and working with linux servers over ssh.


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Crosscheck Sports

A full production sports team management app driven by Flutter and DynamoDB. Create teams, seasons, events, polls, and rosters, all tied together with a powerful custom field engine. Other features include chat, stat tracking, event checkin and commenting, auto notifications and much more.

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Enterprise Emailer

This is a full featured stack email service queue I built to deal with the wait times in sending 20+ emails at once. Built in dart, email records get added to a MySQL database on request and every minute a separate function scans the table for any new records and sends them, massively cutting down on latency when sending emails.

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Calorie Me

A hyper ellegant calorie tracking app, this was an experiment on what I could accomplish spending a weekend building a mobile app. Built with SwiftUI, this was a case study into how document style databases work, and utilizes a custom built database on the backend to store data with persistence.

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A blog as an excuse to delve into the world of gitops. Posts are all hosted in github with a config yaml file and an image. This information is periodically added to a basic database and used to drive the blog. Any updates on the github pages change the content in the blog. A comment section is also provided using github issues.

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Neural Network

Implementation of a functioning neural network implemented entirely in the dart programming language without the aid of packages. Dense layers, activation functions, loss functions, optimizers trained on the mnist dataset to guess handwritten digits. Created out of my curiosity on how the math behind neural networks work.

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Sapphire Marketing Site

Marketing website for my business built with NextJS. Focused on creating a beautiful user experience and flawless design. This website really helped hone my React skills, and combined with this website has made me confident on building any sort of website/application needed of anyone.

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Skills & Technologies

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If I had to pick one language to program the rest of my life in, I would choose Dart, the language that powers Flutter. Building beautiful cross platform applications is a joy in this framework, and is one of the technologies I would consider myself to be an expert in.

My Stack

  • Provider for state management
  • Custom Widgets for mixing iOS and Android UI
  • NoSQL databases to deliver top performance
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NextJS is a Javascript framework that takes React to the next level. While it uses the React DOM, it has a number of optimizations to make it the best framework on the market today. In fact, this very website and blog were built completely in NextJS.

How I Use It

  • The amazing Tailwind CSS for styling
  • React-Icons for a verbose icon library
  • MySQL databases for consistent content
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I am extremely comfortable with both relational and non-relational database paradigms. NoSQL is where I am most comfortable, but I also know when the right time to use a relational database is. My favorite from each type is MongoDB for NoSQL and MySQL for SQL.

Technologies I Use

  • AWS DynamoDB & MongoDB
  • MySQL & Postgresql
  • Redis & Casandra
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The framwork I learned to code on. Apple's SwiftUI is one of the most powerful UI Frameworks from a technical and impactful perspective. Ellegant UI's that work for iOS, MacOS, and iPadOS are easily share the same codebase in this framework.

How I Use This

  • Building Native iOS and iPadOS Apps
  • All MacOS applications
  • iOS widgets for Flutter applications
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Web APIs

Building fast, performant web apis is one of the most necessary components of any online technology. I have loads of experience in a wide variety of api frameworks. Lately, I have been using Go to build c-level fast memory safe apis for a variety of projects.

My Frameworks

  • Python Flask
  • Dart Shelf
  • Go Chi
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Container Orchestration

Hosting web infrastructure at scale is a complex issue with many viable solutions. I have intamite experience with Docker and Kubernetes from my time at New Relic while creating a new database orchestration system. This website is also hosted inside a docker container.

My Scope

  • Docker Containers
  • Amazon Elatstic Kubernetes Service (EKS)
  • CrucnhyData Postgres operator




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